Friday, 30 September 2011

True & Falsies #5 - Just a dab will do! Not a rub....a DAB! ;)

I always remember my grandmother dabbing a little bit of perfume behind her ears and then a bit on her wrists that she would rub together. Yet, the girls at work seem to think that you should never rub your wrists together when you apply fragrance. Is this true or false?

********** TRUE **********

I’m not really sure who came up with the idea of rubbing your wrists together when you apply fragrance, but it’s a no-no ladies and gents. According to various fragrance experts quizzed on this topic, the consensus seems to be that it is a bad idea.

Why is that, you ask? That’s what I’m here for! The reality is, this action can actually "bruise" the oils contained in the blend you’re wearing. This ultimately will chemically alter the scent. If you fell in love with a particular scent – chances are, you don’t want to mess with it and end up with a different scent all together!

My advice? Spray on your fav fragrance and leave it alone! Let the air do it’s thing and air dry the fragrance on your skin. Unless of course, you are in a competition for how many different fragrances you can make out of your perfume.  Ya, you’re right. You probably don’t want  to do that!

Cheers to beauty-ful days!

The Urban Beauty Bar

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